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<div class="grid-item grid-item--three"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
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<div class="grid-item grid-item--two"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item--four"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item--two"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item--two"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item--four"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
<div class="grid-item grid-item--two"> <img alt="AANDAGT GRID" src="" /> </div>
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View Snippet
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Class: prettyPhoto
	Use: Lightbox clone for jQuery
	Author: Stephane Caron (
	Version: 3.1.6
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! function(e) {
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            p = new RegExp(i),
            o = p.exec(t);
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    e.prettyPhoto = {
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        function l(e, t) {
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                            alert("Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist."), e.prettyPhoto.close()
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                        doresize = !1, f = l(movie_width, movie_height), doresize = !0, skipInjection = !0, e.get(pp_images[set_position], function(e) {
                            toInject = settings.inline_markup.replace(/{content}/g, e), $pp_pic_holder.find("#pp_full_res")[0].innerHTML = toInject, s()
                    case "custom":
                        f = l(movie_width, movie_height), toInject = settings.custom_markup;
                    case "inline":
                        myClone = e(pp_images[set_position]).clone().append('<br clear="all" />').css({
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            e("a[" + a.hook + "^='" + hashRel + "']:eq(" + hashIndex + ")").trigger("click")
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var pp_alreadyInitialized = !1;


View Snippet
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Class: prettyPhoto
	Use: Lightbox clone for jQuery
	Author: Stephane Caron (
	Version: 3.1.6
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! function(e) {
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    function p() {
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    function o(e, t) {
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            p = new RegExp(i),
            o = p.exec(t);
        return null == o ? "" : o[1]
    e.prettyPhoto = {
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        function s() {
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                e(".pp_loaderIcon").show(), t()

        function r(t) {
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        function l(e, t) {
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        function h(e) {
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                    top: projectedTop,
                    left: j / 2 + scroll_pos.scrollLeft - contentwidth / 2

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                            alert("Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist."), e.prettyPhoto.close()
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                        f = l(movie_width, movie_height), movie_id = pp_images[set_position];
                        var t = /http(s?):\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)/,
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                        movie = "" + i[3] + "?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0", settings.autoplay && (movie += "&autoplay=1;"), vimeo_width = f.width + "/embed/?moog_width=" + f.width, toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g, vimeo_width).replace(/{height}/g, f.height).replace(/{path}/g, movie);
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                    case "ajax":
                        doresize = !1, f = l(movie_width, movie_height), doresize = !0, skipInjection = !0, e.get(pp_images[set_position], function(e) {
                            toInject = settings.inline_markup.replace(/{content}/g, e), $pp_pic_holder.find("#pp_full_res")[0].innerHTML = toInject, s()
                    case "custom":
                        f = l(movie_width, movie_height), toInject = settings.custom_markup;
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                        myClone = e(pp_images[set_position]).clone().append('<br clear="all" />').css({
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            }), P = setInterval(e.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow, settings.slideshow)) : e.prettyPhoto.changePage("next")
        }, e.prettyPhoto.stopSlideshow = function() {
            $pp_pic_holder.find(".pp_pause").unbind("click").removeClass("pp_pause").addClass("pp_play").click(function() {
                return e.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow(), !1
            }), clearInterval(P), P = void 0
        }, e.prettyPhoto.close = function() {
            $":animated") || (e.prettyPhoto.stopSlideshow(), $pp_pic_holder.stop().find("object,embed").css("visibility", "hidden"), e("div.pp_pic_holder,div.ppt,.pp_fade").fadeOut(settings.animation_speed, function() {
            }), $pp_overlay.fadeOut(settings.animation_speed, function() {
                settings.hideflash && e("object,embed,iframe[src*=youtube],iframe[src*=vimeo]").css("visibility", "visible"), e(this).remove(), e(window).unbind("scroll.prettyphoto"), p(), settings.callback(), doresize = !0, v = !1, delete settings
        }, !pp_alreadyInitialized && t() && (pp_alreadyInitialized = !0, hashIndex = t(), hashRel = hashIndex, hashIndex = hashIndex.substring(hashIndex.indexOf("/") + 1, hashIndex.length - 1), hashRel = hashRel.substring(0, hashRel.indexOf("/")), setTimeout(function() {
            e("a[" + a.hook + "^='" + hashRel + "']:eq(" + hashIndex + ")").trigger("click")
        }, 50)), this.unbind("click.prettyphoto").bind("click.prettyphoto", e.prettyPhoto.initialize)
var pp_alreadyInitialized = !1;

Pretty Photo

View Snippet
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Class: prettyPhoto
	Use: Lightbox clone for jQuery
	Author: Stephane Caron (
	Version: 3.1.6
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
(function($) {
	$.prettyPhoto = {version: '3.1.6'};
	$.fn.prettyPhoto = function(pp_settings) {
		pp_settings = jQuery.extend({
			hook: 'rel', /* the attribute tag to use for prettyPhoto hooks. default: 'rel'. For HTML5, use "data-rel" or similar. */
			animation_speed: 'fast', /* fast/slow/normal */
			ajaxcallback: function() {},
			slideshow: 5000, /* false OR interval time in ms */
			autoplay_slideshow: false, /* true/false */
			opacity: 0.80, /* Value between 0 and 1 */
			show_title: true, /* true/false */
			allow_resize: true, /* Resize the photos bigger than viewport. true/false */
			allow_expand: true, /* Allow the user to expand a resized image. true/false */
			default_width: 500,
			default_height: 344,
			counter_separator_label: '/', /* The separator for the gallery counter 1 "of" 2 */
			theme: 'pp_default', /* light_rounded / dark_rounded / light_square / dark_square / facebook */
			horizontal_padding: 20, /* The padding on each side of the picture */
			hideflash: false, /* Hides all the flash object on a page, set to TRUE if flash appears over prettyPhoto */
			wmode: 'opaque', /* Set the flash wmode attribute */
			autoplay: true, /* Automatically start videos: True/False */
			modal: false, /* If set to true, only the close button will close the window */
			deeplinking: true, /* Allow prettyPhoto to update the url to enable deeplinking. */
			overlay_gallery: true, /* If set to true, a gallery will overlay the fullscreen image on mouse over */
			overlay_gallery_max: 30, /* Maximum number of pictures in the overlay gallery */
			keyboard_shortcuts: true, /* Set to false if you open forms inside prettyPhoto */
			changepicturecallback: function(){}, /* Called everytime an item is shown/changed */
			callback: function(){}, /* Called when prettyPhoto is closed */
			ie6_fallback: true,
			markup: '<div class="pp_pic_holder"> \
						<div class="ppt">&nbsp;</div> \
						<div class="pp_top"> \
							<div class="pp_left"></div> \
							<div class="pp_middle"></div> \
							<div class="pp_right"></div> \
						</div> \
						<div class="pp_content_container"> \
							<div class="pp_left"> \
							<div class="pp_right"> \
								<div class="pp_content"> \
									<div class="pp_loaderIcon"></div> \
									<div class="pp_fade"> \
										<a href="#" class="pp_expand" title="Expand the image">Expand</a> \
										<div class="pp_hoverContainer"> \
											<a class="pp_next" href="#">next</a> \
											<a class="pp_previous" href="#">previous</a> \
										</div> \
										<div id="pp_full_res"></div> \
										<div class="pp_details"> \
											<div class="pp_nav"> \
												<a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \
												<p class="currentTextHolder">0/0</p> \
												<a href="#" class="pp_arrow_next">Next</a> \
											</div> \
											<p class="pp_description"></p> \
											<div class="pp_social">{pp_social}</div> \
											<a class="pp_close" href="#">Close</a> \
										</div> \
									</div> \
								</div> \
							</div> \
							</div> \
						</div> \
						<div class="pp_bottom"> \
							<div class="pp_left"></div> \
							<div class="pp_middle"></div> \
							<div class="pp_right"></div> \
						</div> \
					</div> \
					<div class="pp_overlay"></div>',
			gallery_markup: '<div class="pp_gallery"> \
								<a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \
								<div> \
									<ul> \
										{gallery} \
									</ul> \
								</div> \
								<a href="#" class="pp_arrow_next">Next</a> \
			image_markup: '<img id="fullResImage" src="{path}" />',
			flash_markup: '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="{width}" height="{height}"><param name="wmode" value="{wmode}" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="{path}" /><embed src="{path}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="{width}" height="{height}" wmode="{wmode}"></embed></object>',
			quicktime_markup: '<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="" height="{height}" width="{width}"><param name="src" value="{path}"><param name="autoplay" value="{autoplay}"><param name="type" value="video/quicktime"><embed src="{path}" height="{height}" width="{width}" autoplay="{autoplay}" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage=""></embed></object>',
			iframe_markup: '<iframe src ="{path}" width="{width}" height="{height}" frameborder="no"></iframe>',
			inline_markup: '<div class="pp_inline">{content}</div>',
			custom_markup: '',
			social_tools: '<div class="twitter"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="none">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div><div class="facebook"><iframe src="//{location_href}&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=true&amp;width=500&amp;action=like&amp;font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=23" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:500px; height:23px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></div>' /* html or false to disable */
		}, pp_settings);
		// Global variables accessible only by prettyPhoto
		var matchedObjects = this, percentBased = false, pp_dimensions, pp_open,
		// prettyPhoto container specific
		pp_contentHeight, pp_contentWidth, pp_containerHeight, pp_containerWidth,
		// Window size
		windowHeight = $(window).height(), windowWidth = $(window).width(),

		// Global elements
		doresize = true, scroll_pos = _get_scroll();
		// Window/Keyboard events
		$(window).unbind('resize.prettyphoto').bind('resize.prettyphoto',function(){ _center_overlay(); _resize_overlay(); });
		if(pp_settings.keyboard_shortcuts) {
				if(typeof $pp_pic_holder != 'undefined'){
							case 37:
							case 39:
							case 27:
						// return false;
		* Initialize prettyPhoto.
		$.prettyPhoto.initialize = function() {
			settings = pp_settings;
			if(settings.theme == 'pp_default') settings.horizontal_padding = 16;
			// Find out if the picture is part of a set
			theRel = $(this).attr(settings.hook);
			galleryRegExp = /\[(?:.*)\]/;
			isSet = (galleryRegExp.exec(theRel)) ? true : false;
			// Put the SRCs, TITLEs, ALTs into an array.
			pp_images = (isSet) ?, function(n, i){ if($(n).attr(settings.hook).indexOf(theRel) != -1) return $(n).attr('href'); }) : $.makeArray($(this).attr('href'));
			pp_titles = (isSet) ?, function(n, i){ if($(n).attr(settings.hook).indexOf(theRel) != -1) return ($(n).find('img').attr('alt')) ? $(n).find('img').attr('alt') : ""; }) : $.makeArray($(this).find('img').attr('alt'));
			pp_descriptions = (isSet) ?, function(n, i){ if($(n).attr(settings.hook).indexOf(theRel) != -1) return ($(n).attr('title')) ? $(n).attr('title') : ""; }) : $.makeArray($(this).attr('title'));
			if(pp_images.length > settings.overlay_gallery_max) settings.overlay_gallery = false;
			set_position = jQuery.inArray($(this).attr('href'), pp_images); // Define where in the array the clicked item is positionned
			rel_index = (isSet) ? set_position : $("a["+settings.hook+"^='"+theRel+"']").index($(this));
			_build_overlay(this); // Build the overlay {this} being the caller
				$(window).bind('scroll.prettyphoto',function(){ _center_overlay(); });
			return false;

		* Opens the prettyPhoto modal box.
		* @param image {String,Array} Full path to the image to be open, can also be an array containing full images paths.
		* @param title {String,Array} The title to be displayed with the picture, can also be an array containing all the titles.
		* @param description {String,Array} The description to be displayed with the picture, can also be an array containing all the descriptions.
		$ = function(event) {
			if(typeof settings == "undefined"){ // Means it's an API call, need to manually get the settings and set the variables
				settings = pp_settings;
				pp_images = $.makeArray(arguments[0]);
				pp_titles = (arguments[1]) ? $.makeArray(arguments[1]) : $.makeArray("");
				pp_descriptions = (arguments[2]) ? $.makeArray(arguments[2]) : $.makeArray("");
				isSet = (pp_images.length > 1) ? true : false;
				set_position = (arguments[3])? arguments[3]: 0;
				_build_overlay(; // Build the overlay {this} being the caller
			if(settings.hideflash) $('object,embed,iframe[src*=youtube],iframe[src*=vimeo]').css('visibility','hidden'); // Hide the flash

			_checkPosition($(pp_images).size()); // Hide the next/previous links if on first or last images.
			// Rebuild Facebook Like Button with updated href
				facebook_like_link = settings.social_tools.replace('{location_href}', encodeURIComponent(location.href)); 
			// Fade the content in
			if($':hidden')) $ppt.css('opacity',0).show();

			// Display the current position
			$pp_pic_holder.find('.currentTextHolder').text((set_position+1) + settings.counter_separator_label + $(pp_images).size());

			// Set the description
			if(typeof pp_descriptions[set_position] != 'undefined' && pp_descriptions[set_position] != ""){
			// Get the dimensions
			movie_width = ( parseFloat(getParam('width',pp_images[set_position])) ) ? getParam('width',pp_images[set_position]) : settings.default_width.toString();
			movie_height = ( parseFloat(getParam('height',pp_images[set_position])) ) ? getParam('height',pp_images[set_position]) : settings.default_height.toString();
			// If the size is % based, calculate according to window dimensions
			if(movie_height.indexOf('%') != -1) { movie_height = parseFloat(($(window).height() * parseFloat(movie_height) / 100) - 150); percentBased = true; }
			if(movie_width.indexOf('%') != -1) { movie_width = parseFloat(($(window).width() * parseFloat(movie_width) / 100) - 150); percentBased = true; }
			// Fade the holder
				// Set the title
				(settings.show_title && pp_titles[set_position] != "" && typeof pp_titles[set_position] != "undefined") ? $ppt.html(unescape(pp_titles[set_position])) : $ppt.html('&nbsp;');
				imgPreloader = "";
				skipInjection = false;
				// Inject the proper content
					case 'image':
						imgPreloader = new Image();

						// Preload the neighbour images
						nextImage = new Image();
						if(isSet && set_position < $(pp_images).size() -1) nextImage.src = pp_images[set_position + 1];
						prevImage = new Image();
						if(isSet && pp_images[set_position - 1]) prevImage.src = pp_images[set_position - 1];

						$pp_pic_holder.find('#pp_full_res')[0].innerHTML = settings.image_markup.replace(/{path}/g,pp_images[set_position]);

						imgPreloader.onload = function(){
							// Fit item to viewport
							pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(imgPreloader.width,imgPreloader.height);


						imgPreloader.onerror = function(){
							alert('Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist.');
						imgPreloader.src = pp_images[set_position];
					case 'youtube':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						// Regular youtube link
						movie_id = getParam('v',pp_images[set_position]);
						// link
						if(movie_id == ""){
							movie_id = pp_images[set_position].split('');
							movie_id = movie_id[1];
							if(movie_id.indexOf('?') > 0)
								movie_id = movie_id.substr(0,movie_id.indexOf('?')); // Strip anything after the ?

							if(movie_id.indexOf('&') > 0)
								movie_id = movie_id.substr(0,movie_id.indexOf('&')); // Strip anything after the &

						movie = ''+movie_id;
						(getParam('rel',pp_images[set_position])) ? movie+="?rel="+getParam('rel',pp_images[set_position]) : movie+="?rel=1";
						if(settings.autoplay) movie += "&autoplay=1";
						toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g,pp_dimensions['width']).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{wmode}/g,settings.wmode).replace(/{path}/g,movie);
					case 'vimeo':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						movie_id = pp_images[set_position];
						var regExp = /http(s?):\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)/;
						var match = movie_id.match(regExp);
						movie = ''+ match[3] +'?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0';
						if(settings.autoplay) movie += "&autoplay=1;";
						vimeo_width = pp_dimensions['width'] + '/embed/?moog_width='+ pp_dimensions['width'];
						toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g,vimeo_width).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{path}/g,movie);
					case 'quicktime':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						pp_dimensions['height']+=15; pp_dimensions['contentHeight']+=15; pp_dimensions['containerHeight']+=15; // Add space for the control bar
						toInject = settings.quicktime_markup.replace(/{width}/g,pp_dimensions['width']).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{wmode}/g,settings.wmode).replace(/{path}/g,pp_images[set_position]).replace(/{autoplay}/g,settings.autoplay);
					case 'flash':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						flash_vars = pp_images[set_position];
						flash_vars = flash_vars.substring(pp_images[set_position].indexOf('flashvars') + 10,pp_images[set_position].length);

						filename = pp_images[set_position];
						filename = filename.substring(0,filename.indexOf('?'));
						toInject =  settings.flash_markup.replace(/{width}/g,pp_dimensions['width']).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{wmode}/g,settings.wmode).replace(/{path}/g,filename+'?'+flash_vars);
					case 'iframe':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						frame_url = pp_images[set_position];
						frame_url = frame_url.substr(0,frame_url.indexOf('iframe')-1);

						toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g,pp_dimensions['width']).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{path}/g,frame_url);
					case 'ajax':
						doresize = false; // Make sure the dimensions are not resized.
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height);
						doresize = true; // Reset the dimensions
						skipInjection = true;
							toInject = settings.inline_markup.replace(/{content}/g,responseHTML);
							$pp_pic_holder.find('#pp_full_res')[0].innerHTML = toInject;
					case 'custom':
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
						toInject = settings.custom_markup;
					case 'inline':
						// to get the item height clone it, apply default width, wrap it in the prettyPhoto containers , then delete
						myClone = $(pp_images[set_position]).clone().append('<br clear="all" />').css({'width':settings.default_width}).wrapInner('<div id="pp_full_res"><div class="pp_inline"></div></div>').appendTo($('body')).show();
						doresize = false; // Make sure the dimensions are not resized.
						pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport($(myClone).width(),$(myClone).height());
						doresize = true; // Reset the dimensions
						toInject = settings.inline_markup.replace(/{content}/g,$(pp_images[set_position]).html());

				if(!imgPreloader && !skipInjection){
					$pp_pic_holder.find('#pp_full_res')[0].innerHTML = toInject;
					// Show content

			return false;

		* Change page in the prettyPhoto modal box
		* @param direction {String} Direction of the paging, previous or next.
		$.prettyPhoto.changePage = function(direction){
			currentGalleryPage = 0;
			if(direction == 'previous') {
				if (set_position < 0) set_position = $(pp_images).size()-1;
			}else if(direction == 'next'){
				if(set_position > $(pp_images).size()-1) set_position = 0;
			rel_index = set_position;

			if(!doresize) doresize = true; // Allow the resizing of the images
			if(settings.allow_expand) {

			_hideContent(function(){ $; });

		* Change gallery page in the prettyPhoto modal box
		* @param direction {String} Direction of the paging, previous or next.
		$.prettyPhoto.changeGalleryPage = function(direction){
				currentGalleryPage ++;

				if(currentGalleryPage > totalPage) currentGalleryPage = 0;
			}else if(direction=='previous'){
				currentGalleryPage --;

				if(currentGalleryPage < 0) currentGalleryPage = totalPage;
				currentGalleryPage = direction;
			slide_speed = (direction == 'next' || direction == 'previous') ? settings.animation_speed : 0;

			slide_to = currentGalleryPage * (itemsPerPage * itemWidth);


		* Start the slideshow...
		$.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow = function(){
			if(typeof pp_slideshow == 'undefined'){
					return false;
				pp_slideshow = setInterval($.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow,settings.slideshow);

		* Stop the slideshow...
		$.prettyPhoto.stopSlideshow = function(){
				return false;

		* Closes prettyPhoto.
		$.prettyPhoto.close = function(){
			if($":animated")) return;
			$('div.pp_pic_holder,div.ppt,.pp_fade').fadeOut(settings.animation_speed,function(){ $(this).remove(); });
			$pp_overlay.fadeOut(settings.animation_speed, function(){
				if(settings.hideflash) $('object,embed,iframe[src*=youtube],iframe[src*=vimeo]').css('visibility','visible'); // Show the flash
				$(this).remove(); // No more need for the prettyPhoto markup
				doresize = true;
				pp_open = false;
				delete settings;
		* Set the proper sizes on the containers and animate the content in.
		function _showContent(){

			// Calculate the opened top position of the pic holder
			projectedTop = scroll_pos['scrollTop'] + ((windowHeight/2) - (pp_dimensions['containerHeight']/2));
			if(projectedTop < 0) projectedTop = 0;


			// Resize the content holder
			// Resize picture the holder
				'top': projectedTop,
				'left': ((windowWidth/2) - (pp_dimensions['containerWidth']/2) < 0) ? 0 : (windowWidth/2) - (pp_dimensions['containerWidth']/2),

				$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_fade').fadeIn(settings.animation_speed); // Fade the new content

				// Show the nav
				if(isSet && _getFileType(pp_images[set_position])=="image") { $pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_hoverContainer').show(); }else{ $pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_hoverContainer').hide(); }
				if(settings.allow_expand) {
					if(pp_dimensions['resized']){ // Fade the resizing link if the image is resized
				if(settings.autoplay_slideshow && !pp_slideshow && !pp_open) $.prettyPhoto.startSlideshow();
				settings.changepicturecallback(); // Callback!
				pp_open = true;
		* Hide the content...DUH!
		function _hideContent(callback){
			// Fade out the current picture
			$pp_pic_holder.find('#pp_full_res object,#pp_full_res embed').css('visibility','hidden');
		* Check the item position in the gallery array, hide or show the navigation links
		* @param setCount {integer} The total number of items in the set
		function _checkPosition(setCount){
			(setCount > 1) ? $('.pp_nav').show() : $('.pp_nav').hide(); // Hide the bottom nav if it's not a set.
		* Resize the item dimensions if it's bigger than the viewport
		* @param width {integer} Width of the item to be opened
		* @param height {integer} Height of the item to be opened
		* @return An array containin the "fitted" dimensions
		function _fitToViewport(width,height){
			resized = false;

			// Define them in case there's no resize needed
			imageWidth = width, imageHeight = height;

			if( ((pp_containerWidth > windowWidth) || (pp_containerHeight > windowHeight)) && doresize && settings.allow_resize && !percentBased) {
				resized = true, fitting = false;
				while (!fitting){
					if((pp_containerWidth > windowWidth)){
						imageWidth = (windowWidth - 200);
						imageHeight = (height/width) * imageWidth;
					}else if((pp_containerHeight > windowHeight)){
						imageHeight = (windowHeight - 200);
						imageWidth = (width/height) * imageHeight;
						fitting = true;

					pp_containerHeight = imageHeight, pp_containerWidth = imageWidth;

				if((pp_containerWidth > windowWidth) || (pp_containerHeight > windowHeight)){
			return {
				containerWidth:Math.floor(pp_containerWidth) + (settings.horizontal_padding * 2),
		* Get the containers dimensions according to the item size
		* @param width {integer} Width of the item to be opened
		* @param height {integer} Height of the item to be opened
		function _getDimensions(width,height){
			width = parseFloat(width);
			height = parseFloat(height);
			// Get the details height, to do so, I need to clone it since it's invisible
			$pp_details = $pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_details');
			detailsHeight = parseFloat($pp_details.css('marginTop')) + parseFloat($pp_details.css('marginBottom'));
			$pp_details = $pp_details.clone().addClass(settings.theme).width(width).appendTo($('body')).css({
			detailsHeight += $pp_details.height();
			detailsHeight = (detailsHeight <= 34) ? 36 : detailsHeight; // Min-height for the details
			// Get the titles height, to do so, I need to clone it since it's invisible
			$pp_title = $pp_pic_holder.find('.ppt');
			titleHeight = parseFloat($pp_title.css('marginTop')) + parseFloat($pp_title.css('marginBottom'));
			$pp_title = $pp_title.clone().appendTo($('body')).css({
			titleHeight += $pp_title.height();
			// Get the container size, to resize the holder to the right dimensions
			pp_contentHeight = height + detailsHeight;
			pp_contentWidth = width;
			pp_containerHeight = pp_contentHeight + titleHeight + $pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_top').height() + $pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_bottom').height();
			pp_containerWidth = width;
		function _getFileType(itemSrc){
			if (itemSrc.match(/youtube\.com\/watch/i) || itemSrc.match(/youtu\.be/i)) {
				return 'youtube';
			}else if (itemSrc.match(/vimeo\.com/i)) {
				return 'vimeo';
			}else if(itemSrc.match(/\\b/i)){ 
				return 'quicktime';
			}else if(itemSrc.match(/\b.swf\b/i)){
				return 'flash';
			}else if(itemSrc.match(/\biframe=true\b/i)){
				return 'iframe';
			}else if(itemSrc.match(/\bajax=true\b/i)){
				return 'ajax';
			}else if(itemSrc.match(/\bcustom=true\b/i)){
				return 'custom';
			}else if(itemSrc.substr(0,1) == '#'){
				return 'inline';
				return 'image';
		function _center_overlay(){
			if(doresize && typeof $pp_pic_holder != 'undefined') {
				scroll_pos = _get_scroll();
				contentHeight = $pp_pic_holder.height(), contentwidth = $pp_pic_holder.width();

				projectedTop = (windowHeight/2) + scroll_pos['scrollTop'] - (contentHeight/2);
				if(projectedTop < 0) projectedTop = 0;
				if(contentHeight > windowHeight)

					'top': projectedTop,
					'left': (windowWidth/2) + scroll_pos['scrollLeft'] - (contentwidth/2)
		function _get_scroll(){
			if (self.pageYOffset) {
				return {scrollTop:self.pageYOffset,scrollLeft:self.pageXOffset};
			} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { // Explorer 6 Strict
				return {scrollTop:document.documentElement.scrollTop,scrollLeft:document.documentElement.scrollLeft};
			} else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers
				return {scrollTop:document.body.scrollTop,scrollLeft:document.body.scrollLeft};
		function _resize_overlay() {
			windowHeight = $(window).height(), windowWidth = $(window).width();
			if(typeof $pp_overlay != "undefined") $pp_overlay.height($(document).height()).width(windowWidth);
		function _insert_gallery(){
			if(isSet && settings.overlay_gallery && _getFileType(pp_images[set_position])=="image") {
				itemWidth = 52+5; // 52 beign the thumb width, 5 being the right margin.
				navWidth = (settings.theme == "facebook" || settings.theme == "pp_default") ? 50 : 30; // Define the arrow width depending on the theme
				itemsPerPage = Math.floor((pp_dimensions['containerWidth'] - 100 - navWidth) / itemWidth);
				itemsPerPage = (itemsPerPage < pp_images.length) ? itemsPerPage : pp_images.length;
				totalPage = Math.ceil(pp_images.length / itemsPerPage) - 1;

				// Hide the nav in the case there's no need for links
				if(totalPage == 0){
					navWidth = 0; // No nav means no width!

				galleryWidth = itemsPerPage * itemWidth;
				fullGalleryWidth = pp_images.length * itemWidth;
				// Set the proper width to the gallery items
					.css('margin-left',-((galleryWidth/2) + (navWidth/2)))
				goToPage = (Math.floor(set_position/itemsPerPage) < totalPage) ? Math.floor(set_position/itemsPerPage) : totalPage;

				$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_content').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
				// $pp_gallery.hide();
		function _build_overlay(caller){
			// Inject Social Tool markup into General markup
				facebook_like_link = settings.social_tools.replace('{location_href}', encodeURIComponent(location.href)); 

			settings.markup = settings.markup.replace('{pp_social}',''); 
			$('body').append(settings.markup); // Inject the markup
			$pp_pic_holder = $('.pp_pic_holder') , $ppt = $('.ppt'), $pp_overlay = $('div.pp_overlay'); // Set my global selectors
			// Inject the inline gallery!
			if(isSet && settings.overlay_gallery) {
				currentGalleryPage = 0;
				toInject = "";
				for (var i=0; i < pp_images.length; i++) {
						classname = 'default';
						img_src = '';
						classname = '';
						img_src = pp_images[i];
					toInject += "<li class='"+classname+"'><a href='#'><img src='" + img_src + "' width='50' alt='' /></a></li>";
				toInject = settings.gallery_markup.replace(/{gallery}/g,toInject);
				$pp_gallery = $('.pp_pic_holder .pp_gallery'), $pp_gallery_li = $pp_gallery.find('li'); // Set the gallery selectors
					return false;
					return false;

				itemWidth = 52+5; // 52 beign the thumb width, 5 being the right margin.
							return false;
			// Inject the play/pause if it's a slideshow
				$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_nav').prepend('<a href="#" class="pp_play">Play</a>')
				$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_nav .pp_play').click(function(){
					return false;
			$pp_pic_holder.attr('class','pp_pic_holder ' + settings.theme); // Set the proper theme
					if(!settings.modal) $.prettyPhoto.close();

			$('a.pp_close').bind('click',function(){ $.prettyPhoto.close(); return false; });

			if(settings.allow_expand) {
					// Expand the image
						doresize = false;
						doresize = true;
					_hideContent(function(){ $; });
					return false;
			$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_previous, .pp_nav .pp_arrow_previous').bind('click',function(){
				return false;
			$pp_pic_holder.find('.pp_next, .pp_nav .pp_arrow_next').bind('click',function(){
				return false;
			_center_overlay(); // Center it

		if(!pp_alreadyInitialized && getHashtag()){
			pp_alreadyInitialized = true;
			// Grab the rel index to trigger the click on the correct element
			hashIndex = getHashtag();
			hashRel = hashIndex;
			hashIndex = hashIndex.substring(hashIndex.indexOf('/')+1,hashIndex.length-1);
			hashRel = hashRel.substring(0,hashRel.indexOf('/'));

			// Little timeout to make sure all the prettyPhoto initialize scripts has been run.
			// Useful in the event the page contain several init scripts.
			setTimeout(function(){ $("a["+pp_settings.hook+"^='"+hashRel+"']:eq("+hashIndex+")").trigger('click'); },50);
		return this.unbind('click.prettyphoto').bind('click.prettyphoto',$.prettyPhoto.initialize); // Return the jQuery object for chaining. The unbind method is used to avoid click conflict when the plugin is called more than once
	function getHashtag(){
		var url = location.href;
		hashtag = (url.indexOf('#prettyPhoto') !== -1) ? decodeURI(url.substring(url.indexOf('#prettyPhoto')+1,url.length)) : false;
		if(hashtag){  hashtag = hashtag.replace(/<|>/g,''); }
		return hashtag;
	function setHashtag(){
		if(typeof theRel == 'undefined') return; // theRel is set on normal calls, it's impossible to deeplink using the API
		location.hash = theRel + '/'+rel_index+'/';
	function clearHashtag(){
		if ( location.href.indexOf('#prettyPhoto') !== -1 ) location.hash = "prettyPhoto";
	function getParam(name,url){
	  name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\]");
	  var regexS = "[\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
	  var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
	  var results = regex.exec( url );
	  return ( results == null ) ? "" : results[1];

var pp_alreadyInitialized = false; // Used for the deep linking to make sure not to call the same function several times.