03 Menu - Templates javascript

                  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    if (window.angular) return;
    const principal = document.querySelector(".fp3-container-textos"),
        secciones = principal.querySelectorAll(".fp3-seccion"),
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        destino = document.querySelector(".fp3-guia_div-container"),  
        footer = document.querySelector('footer'),
        Ttags = ["h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"],  LnkSec = []    
    let rootMarg = -250, maxLinkW = 0
    while (destino.firstChild) { destino.removeChild(destino.firstChild)}
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                    tagName = ele.nodeName,
                    eleId = ele.id,
                    eleTexto = ele.innerText
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                newEle.innerText = `${eleTexto}`
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    const links = document.querySelectorAll('.link-H')
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      maxLinkW = link.clientWidth > maxLinkW ? link.clientWidth : maxLinkW 
    //Maniobra de ajuste para Responsive
    for(l of links)
       l.style.width = `${maxLinkW+15}px`
    LnkSec.forEach((lnKS, index) => {linksIconos[index].href = `#${lnKS}`})
    function responsive(){
        let styles= ""
        const hScreen = Math.round(window.innerHeight / 3.5)
         rootMarg = (hScreen * -.5) + 45
        if(screen.width < 994 ){
            altoPrin = destino.firstChild.clientHeight * 7
            factor = destino.clientHeight / principal.clientHeight
            styles = `height: ${altoPrin}px; max-height: ${altoPrin}px; padding-top: 10px`
            window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
                var scrolling = window.scrollY * factor
                destino.parentElement.scrollTo({top: scrolling,})
            rootMarg = -20
        destino.parentElement.style= styles
  window.addEventListener('resize', responsive)
    /*** OBSERVERS ***/
        //Observer de Secciones
    const seccionesObsever = new IntersectionObserver(
        (entries) => {
            entries.forEach((entry) => {
                const obj = entry.target
                const objId = obj.id
                const boton = document.querySelector('[href*="' +objId+ '"]')
                const idH2 = obj.querySelector('h2').id
        },{ threshold: 0, rootMargin: `${rootMarg}px`}
    LnkSec.forEach((l) => {seccionesObsever.observe(document.getElementById(l))})
    //Observer de Enlaces de la izquierda
    const destinoObsever = new IntersectionObserver(
        (entries) => {
            entries.forEach((entry) => {    
                const aleId = entry.target.previousSibling.id  
                const destLnk = document.querySelector('[id*="' + aleId+ '"]')
                const laClase = destLnk.classList[1] + '-activado'
                destLnk.classList.toggle(laClase, entry.isIntersecting)
        },{threshold: 0, rootMargin:  `${rootMarg}px, threshold: 0.5 `}) 
    secciones.forEach(ase =>{  
      ses = ase.querySelectorAll(Ttags)
      ses.forEach(se =>{
          if(se.nextSibling.localName == 'div')
    //Observer del Footer
    const footerObsever = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
    for(icl of linksIconos)
})/**** Final ****/